
SAFECOMP Workshops | Tuesday, September 6

Time zone is CEST.

08:30 am – 09:00 am Registration / Check In

09:00 am – 05:00 pm Workshop program

WAISE 2022

ARCH 2022

SASSUR 2022 [online only]

You can register for all workshops here.

DECSoS 2022


USDAI 2022 [online only]

07:00 pm Social Event | Welcome reception @Munich City Center / Vorhoelzer Forum TUM

Bus shuttle departure at 6:30 PM from Munich-Garching Forschungszentrum, underground line U6 station, to city center

SAFECOMP Conference | Wednesday, September 7

Time zone is CEST.

08:00 am Registration and welcome coffee

08:45 am Welcome

Prof. Dr. habil. Mario Trapp, Fraunhofer IKS

09:00 am Keynote

CIAO (Complexity Intelligence Autonomy Openness) – 4 horsemen of Untrustworthy AI and ways to address them
Professor Yiannis Papadopoulos, University of Hull, United Kingdom

10:00 am Coffee break

10:30 am Joint Session | IMBSA & SAFECOMP

SAFECOMP: Analysing the Safety of Decision-Making in Autonomous Systems
Matt Osborne, Richard Hawkins and John McDermid, University of York, United Kingdom

IMBSA: Component Fault and Deficiency Tree (CFDT): Combining functional safety and SOTIF Analysis
Marc Zeller, Siemens Technology

SAFECOMP: BayesianSafety – an Open-Source Package for Causality-Guided, Multi-Model Safety Analysis
Robert Maier and Jürgen Mottok, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg, Germany

12:00 pm Lunch break

01:00 pm Safety Analysis and Certification

Safety Certification with the Open Source Microkernel-based Operating System Framework L4Re
Kai Lampka and Joel Thurlby, Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, Germany
Adam Lackorzynski and Marcus Haehnel, Kernkonzept GmbH, Germany

Data-driven inference of fault tree models exploiting symmetry and modularization
Lisandro-Arturo Jimenez-Roa, Matthias Volk and Marielle Stoelinga, University of Twente, Netherlands

02:00 pm Coffee break

02:30 pm Assurance Cases

ARACHNE: Automated Validation of Assurance Cases with Stochastic Contract Networks
Chanwook Oh, Nikhil Vijay Naik, Pierluigi Nuzzo, University of Southern California, USA
Zamira Daw, Timothy E. Wang, Raytheon Technologies Research Center, USA

Automating Pattern Selection for Assurance Case Development of Cyber-Physical Systems
Shreyas Ramakrishna, Abishek Dubey, Vanderbilt University, USA
Hyunjee Jin, Arun Ramamurthy, Siemens Corporation Technology, USA

Generating Assurance Cases Using Workflow+ Models
Nicholas Annable, Thomas Chiang, Mark Lawford, Richard Paige and Alan Wassyng, McMaster University, Canada

Uncertainty elicitation and propagation in GSN models of assurance cases
Yassir Idmessaoud, Jérémie Guiochet, Laboratoire d’analyse et d’architecture des systèmes LAAS-CNRS, France
Didier Dubois, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse IRIT, France

04:30 pm Coffee break

05:00 pm Panel “Safer autonomous systems”

05:45 pm End of the day

07:00 pm Social Event | Guided Munich City Tour (limited seats for registered participants, separate email 2 weeks before)

SAFECOMP Conference | Thursday, September 8

Time zone is CEST.

08:00 am Registration and welcome coffee

09:00 am Keynote: The Journey of Behavioral Safety in Automotive

Dr. Ignacio Alvarez, Principal Engineer Automated Driving, Intel Labs, USA

10:00 am Coffee break

10:30 am Fault Detection, Monitoring and Tolerance

Impact of Machine Learning on Safety Monitors
Francesco Terrosi and Andrea Bondavalli, University of Florence, Italy
Lorenzo Strigini, City University, United Kingdom

Comprehensive Analysis of Software-Based Fault Tolerance with Arithmetic Coding for Performant Encoding of Integer Calculations
Marc Fischer, Oliver Riedel and Armin Lechler, University of Stuttgart, Germany

STPA-driven Multilevel Runtime Monitoring for In-time Hazard Detection
Smitha Gautham, Alexander Will, Athira Varma Jayakumar, Carl Elks, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Georgios Bakirtzis, The University of Texas at Austin, USA

12:00 pm Lunch break

01:00 pm EWICS: Updates of the EWICS association and its working groups

01:30 pm Security and Safety

Proposal of Cybersecurity and Safety co-engineering approaches on Cyber-Physical Systems
Pierre-Marie Bajan, Martin Boyer, Anouk Dubois, Jérôme Letailleur, Kevin Mantissa, Jeremy Sobieraj and Mohamed Tlig, IRT system, France

On the Feasibility and Performance of Secure OPC UA Communication with IIoT Devices
Florian Kohnhäuser, Nicolas Coppik, Francisco Mendoza, ABB Corporate Research Center, Germany
Ankita Kumari, Technical University Munich, Germany

02:30 pm Coffee break

03:00 pm Fault Injection

SailFAIL: Model-Derived Simulation-Assisted ISA-Level Fault-Injection Platforms
Christian Dietrich and Yannick Loeck Technische Universität Hamburg, Germany
Malte Bargholz, Marcel Budoj, Luca Nedaskowskij and Daniel Lohmann, Leibniz University Hanover, Germany

Assessing the quality of fault injection strategies on hardware accelerator
Iban Guinebert, Kevin Delmas, Claire Pagetti, ONERA THE FRENCH AEROSPACE LAB, France
Andres Barrilado, Franck Galtié, NXP, France

Assessment of the impact of U-space faulty conditions on drone conflict rate
Anamta Khan, Naghmeh Ivaki, Henrique Madeira, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Pablo Morcillo-Pallarés, Carlos A. Chuquitarco Jiménez and Juan Vicente Balbastre Tejedor, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

ACTOR: Accelerating Fault Injection Campaigns using Timeout Detection based on Autocorrelation
Tim-Marek Thomas, Oskar Pusz and Daniel Lohmann, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
Christian Dietrich, Technische Universität Hamburg, Germany

05:00 pm End of the day

07:00 pm Social Event | Conference dinner @Weihenstephan brewery

Bus shuttle planned (from Munich-Garching to Freising and return)

SAFECOMP Conference | Friday, September 9

Time zone is CEST.

08:00 am Registration and welcome coffee

09:00 am Keynote

Safety of AI: how do you argue on safety when AI empowers mobility?

Dr. Corina Apachiţe, Artificial Intelligence, Holistic Engineering and Technologies, Automotive Technologies, Continental Corporation, Germany

10:00 am Coffee break

10:15 am Object Detection and Perception

Formally Compensating Performance Limitations for Imprecise 2D Object Detection
Tobias Schuster, Emmanouil Seferis, Simon Burton and Chih-Hong Cheng, Fraunhofer IKS, Germany

Architectural patterns for handling runtime uncertainty of data-driven models in safety-critical perception
Janek Groß, Rasmus Adler, Michael Kläs, Jan Reich, Lisa Jöckel, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
Roman Gansch, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany

Hardware faults that matter: Understanding and estimating the safety impact of hardware faults on object detection DNNs
Qutub Syed Sha, Florian Geissler, Yang Peng, Ralf Graefe, Michael Paulitsch, Intel Labs, Germany
Gereon Hinz and Alois Knoll, Technical University of Munich, Germany

Application of STPA for the Elicitation of Safety Requirements for a Machine Learning based Perception Component in Automotive
Esra Acar Celik, Henrik J. Putzer, fortiss GmbH, Germany
Carmen Carlan, Edge Case Research GmbH, Germany
Asim Abdulkhaleq, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany
Fridolin Bauer, BMW AG, Germany
Martin Schels, Continental AG, Germany

12:15 pm Lunch break

01:15 pm Testing

Exploring a Maximal Number of Relevant Obstacles for Testing UAVs
Tabea Schmidt, Florian Hauer and Alexander Pretschner, Technical University of Munich, Germany

Data-driven Assessment of Parameterized Scenarios for Autonomous Vehicles
Nicola Kolb, Florian Hauer, Alexander Pretschner, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Mojdeh Golagha, fortiss GmbH, Germany

Optimising the reliability that can be claimed for a software-based system based on failure-free tests of its components
Peter Bishop and Andrey Povyakalo, City University of London, United Kingdom

02:45 pm Wrap-up and announcement SAFECOMP 2023